Introducing EC...

Mrs Manisha Shrivastava
District Chairman 2021-22

Mrs T Chirinjivi
Dist.Vice Chairman

Mrs Ina Purohit
A C Member

Mrs Sandhya Rani Mishra

Mrs Anjana Bhamra

Mrs Rasika Bahadur
Dist. ESO

Mrs Manjusha Vaishampain
Dist. ISO

Mrs Madhusmita Tripathi
Dist. Editor

An Introduction and Welcome to Inner Wheel

The Objects of Inner Wheel are..

To Promote True Friendship
To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service and
To Foster International Understanding.

Any women who share those aims can join Inner Wheel. Members achieve these aims through many Club events, which combine personal service, fund-raising, fellowship and fun, united by friendship and a common aim to serve their local community.
Members give practical support as well as financial help whenever there is a crisis, whether this occurs locally, nationally or internationally, for natural disasters or for people suffering in war torn regions.
Personal Service is a top priority, and the number of ways members find, to give service to the local community, is quite amazing. They provide help in hospitals, hospices, care homes, schools, entertain the elderly and lonely and offer help to needy children and the disabled. It should be remembered that the Club Member is the most important part of International Inner Wheel.
January 10th is known as World Inner Wheel day, when members worldwide try to perform some act of service and friendship in memory of the founder of Inner Wheel, Margarette Golding, of the Manchester Club, in 1924

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