"Caring for women and children"


The Club ISO shall perform the following duties :
- First of all prepare your Bio data (your hometown, date of joining Inner Wheel, hobbies etc.). Some historical importance of your hometown, geographical conditions, how to reach, nearby tourist destination, handicrafts, local industries and send it to other District ISO’s, or clubs within the country and abroad.
- Float competitions of interest thus bringing members of the District closer and try to declare the results at the time of Conference or other District events so that members get importance and are recognized. It gives strength and confidence to the members.
- Keep in touch with District International Service Organizer who will arrange to get Indian and Foreign Link Clubs for the Club.
- The ISO must Correspond with Link Clubs at home and attend promptly to all letters received from other Clubs and Districts in India.
- Correspond with Link Clubs abroad and attend promptly to all letters received from them.
- Exchange National Festival Greetings with the Foreign and Indian Link Clubs.
- Send, if possible, a gift of handicraft or any other item of typical Indian workmanship to Link Clubs in foreign countries.
- Send copies of Club souvenirs and Bulletins to Indian and Foreign Link Clubs.
- Provide detail of Club Meetings, address etc., of Foreign Clubs, which Member of your club are likely visit.
- Co-ordinate your work with the District International Service Organizer and keep an active interest in the international affairs.
- Arrange at least two or three Club Programmers in the year to which you invite students and visitors from abroad to speak on their local customs, culture and ways of life etc.
- Make proper arrangements to welcome and extend hospitality to Members of the Inner Wheel Club, visiting your Club/Town from abroad.
- Exchange Club banners with ISO’s of other Clubs.

Click here to download FORMATION OF NEW CLUB  :

Minimum 12 members are required to form a new Club. The formation of Inner Wheel Club Should not be made until at least 6 months after the Rotary Club has received its charter. Name of Inner Wheel Club must correspondence to that of the Rotary Club, but if Rotarians from more than one Rotary Club decide to form a new Inner Wheel Club then a suitable geographical name can be chosen, A resolution should be proposed and seconded saying that the meeting agrees to the formation of an Inner Wheel Club to be called ” The Inner Wheel Club of …..” This shall be inaugural Meeting.

How to apply for Charter :

It is mandatory for every District to follow the correct procedure, while forwarding a new Club’s Charter Application form.

1.  To begin with, the District Chairman has to request for a Charter Application Form from the National Representative / Association President.
2.  Forward the original Charter Application Form to your Extension Service.
3.  Please remember that this Application Form has to be neatly typed or legibly filled in Block Letters in English. The corresponding Rotary or Inner Wheel Club’s sponsorship letter bearing their registration for Charter Number must be attached without fail.
4.  Twelve (12) Members are mandatory to start a New Club. However it is recommended to have more than 18 members to keep a Club strong and flourishing.
5.  After the Charter Application Form is completed in all respects including all Charter Member’s Signatures, the Extension Service Chairman should ask the new Club President to get 10 copies and send them in the following manners: The Original Charter Form together with two Xerox Copies and the Corresponding Rotary or Inner Wheel Club’s letter should be sent to the District Chairman. One Xerox copy to be sent to the Extension Service Chairman.
The Club President maintains one copy of the Xeroxed Charter Application Form in the Club Presidents file.
The Club Secretary will forward 2 Xerox copies to the District Secretary for information and keep one Copy in the Club Secretary’s file.
The Club Treasurer will send 2 Xerox copies of the Charter Application Form along with the Demand Draft to the District Treasurer, and maintain one Xerox Copy in the Club Treasurer’s file.
6.  Please Inform the New Club Treasurer that when forwarding the Demand Draft to the District Treasurer, she must give full details in the letter, regarding Members remittances and also have to advise whether these are full or half yearly fees. Please guide the Club treasurer to draw out the Demand Draft in the District’s Name and not in the District Treasurer’s personal name and post it to the District Treasurer under Registered A.D.
7.  The District Chairman after verification in turn will forward THE ORIGINAL +1 copy to the National Representative / Association President along with the Rotary or I.W. sponsorship letter and keeps one copy for her file (Please ensure you send a Xerox copy).
8.  The District Secretary will retain 1 copy and will send one copy to the Association Secretary.
9.  The District Treasurer keeps a copy for her file and sends the other copy along with the Association Triennial and Capitation fees to the Association Treasurer.
10.  The Association Treasurer verified all information and confirms to the National Representative / Association President that the newly formed Club has paid all the dues.
11.  The National Representatives / Association President after his Verification and on receipt of confirmation from the Association Treasurer sends the duly completed Original Charter Application Form along with the Rotary or Inner Wheel Sponsorship letter to the IIW Headquarters and keeps one Xerox copy for her file.

All Charters are granted by International Inner Wheel and signed by the International Inner Wheel President, the Association President / National Representative and the District Chairman, if all the above formalities are strictly adhered and followed, one can expect to receive the new charter within 6 months or a little earlier. This year few charters were received within a short span of 30 days .

A word of caution: Please avoid any overwriting or erasing on the Original Charter Application Form, take a Xerox copy of the blank Original Form and start filling with details. After thorough checking that everything is written correctly, then complete the original form.

   Click here to download GUIDE LINES FOR CLUB SECRETARY...


Post of the Secretary of the most responsible post of the Club . She is the administrative head and success of the Club depends upon the efficient functioning of the Secretary . The Secretary is the backbone of Club and the District.

She strengthens friendship and understanding in the Club and District by communicating regularly, and sending the right information at the right time.

A good Secretary is as vital to the District and Club as fuel is to a car. Communication is another name for Secretary.

Duties in General:

1. The first and foremost duty of the Club Secretary is to prepare the agenda and send out notices for the regular Club Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings to members, at least one week before the Meeting. This should be done in consultation with the President.
2. The minutes of the regular Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings have to be prepared by the secretary in consultation with the President, circulated among members, recorded in the Minutes book and then to be read and confirm in the next meeting. Two separate minute books should be maintained. (i) A regular Meeting Minute Book. (ii) Executive Committee Meeting Mini Book. (iii) The minutes off the General Body Meeting should be sent to the District Chairman and District Secretary for their Records.
3. Similarly two Attendance Registers should be maintained for signing, one for the Regular Meetings and another for the Executive Committee Meetings.
4. In order to facilitate her work, the Secretary should prepare an up-to date club roster for all members,, along with their mailing addresses, telephone and Mobile numbers and their Portfolios. This list should be distributed to all members and changes should be notified immediately. This helps the Secretary and members to have a better contact with each other.
5. A copy of the Club Roster should be sent to the District Chairman and District Secretary for their official records along with the names of the members holding District Offices.
6. During the tenure of office, the Secretary shall receive letters and circulars of general nature or from the headquarters of International Inner Wheel. It is the duty of the Secretary to present them before the members in the Executive Meetings and reply promptly.
7. Correspondence from Overseas Link Clubs and Indian Clubs should be forwarded to the ISO. A Prompt reply always shows efficiency.
8. It is the duty of the Secretary to make the Club programs as interesting as possible. Efforts should be made to include those items which are of interest to woman, so that everyone can participate. Your club should be second home for all members.
9. It is the privilege of thee Secretary to get acquainted with the activities of other clubs through their Secretaries and thereby, create better understanding between the clubs in the District.
10. The secretary must extend help to newly formed Clubs. On special Occasions, an effort should be made to invite other Club Officers as well as District officers and Rotarians to attend the occasion.
11. A general Register of members including their dates of joining and offices held in Inner Wheel should be maintained and kept up-to-date.

   Click here to download GUIDELINES FOR CLUB TREASURER...


A Treasurer is an authority with much greater responsibility. The Treasurer’s post is very important as she is the custodian of funds. Handling the money of the Club requires CART to carry out her work through the year. The CART is – Concentration, Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency – the watch words to be adhered to , as it is public funds. Complete and accurate knowledge and proper understanding of Treasurer’s work is utmost important for smooth functioning. Perfect coordination and clarity will further build the image of the Club and the District. Follow fiscal discipline – transparency of accounts is a must.

• Is main signatory of all transactions of the club ..
• Is the record keeper of all transactions of the club ..
• Is authority of collection of all receipts of the club ..
• Is authority for incurring expenses as per sanctioned budget.
• Is the custodian of the assets of the club.
• Is responsible for preparation and presentation of all club accounts.
• Is responsible for audit and certification of accounts at the year end.
• A Budget means to know your pocket before you spend and helps in planning.
• A Budget should be prepared just before the beginning of the New Inner Wheel year, taking into consideration the tentative income and expenditure of the club.
• In fixing the annual subscription , the Club must ensure that it will cover the International Inner Wheel Capitation Fee, Association and District dues and sufficient day-to-day working expenses of the Club.
• In case you plan to increase your club dues , get it passed in the meeting.
• At the beginning of the year during the Incoming and Outgoing Committee Meeting a resolution is passed as to the bank in which the account of the Club will be operated and the auditors who will audit the accounts of the Club. The account should be opened in a Nationalized Bank / Co-operative Bank.
• Two accounts should be opened. 1. Club Administrative Account Fees, to be credited in this account. 2. Charity Account where the durations and amount raised for projects would be credited.

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